
WebsiteYOURPHOTOAtelier Y’s YourcompanioninJapanDesign Cut Design Color 6,600 yen~Gray Color 7,700 yen~Mesh Color 8,800 yen~---------------------------------------------Share office1,100 yen / 2hThis shared office is a free space for family members and others who use the beauty salon while waiting. In addition, beverages, Wi-Fi, and charging services are available free of charge.Go towebsite ABOUT USI'm Yutaka Sekiguchi. I'm a hairstylist, andI have a beauty salon in Tokyo.Last year, I worked as a hairstylist at the Olympic and Paralympic athletes' village.The hair salon + artistain Tokyo has staff with experience hairstyling various foreigners and Olympic athletes.PRICECONTACT UShair salon + artistaMen’s9,350 yen Lady’s10,450 yenMr. Yutaka SEKIGUCHIhair salon + artistaGinza 1‐9‐12‐3F, Chuo TokyoTEL 03-5579-9887

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